

Knowing your persona is very much like throwing mud against a wall and hoping it'll stick. Building your personas can feel like one of those jobs you should do but then file away never to see the light of day again. To take your marketing to the next level you have really invest in identifying your target audience and then understanding their personas, the point of a marketing persona is to provide a detailed introduction to the people who are using your product and how you'll reach them with your marketing strategy.

So how do we find our Persona? Data. Invest in qualitative research and talk to your consumers, consumers want you to care, they want to feel that their purchase it more than a transaction this also builds towards repeat business. How do I know this? Because I've done it. I get my nails done at a great spot in town, the first time I went it was like no other trip, nail remover off, polish on, paid (thought it was overpriced) and left. The next day I got a text 'from' the nail technician-

"Hey Anika hope you enjoyed your visit, the colour looked fab- would you be able to do us a favour and fill in this survey? it would help us a great deal"

The survey took 5 minutes and you could see they were trying to find out where I spend my time online, how I communicate and what content I would like to see. They were gaining data to build their persona and I was happy to oblige. Building personas may feel like a heavy and daunting task, but if you do it right you can build it into a programme for TLC with consumers and gain solid insights at the same time.


  1. Great points here Anika! Love the analogy at the start!


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